June 30, 2011

Snapshot Saturday Winners-Pets

It was hard to chose this week! The pet pictures were so cute. This week there were two entries. In first place was:
 The dog in this picture is adorable! That look is priceless. Congrats Hope! You can grab a winners button off the Snapshot Saturday tab.

In second place was:
What a beautiful cat! She is adorable! Great photo! Tirzah, you can grab a winner's button off the Snapshot Photography tab.

Congrats winners! Great photos. Next week's theme is flowers. We still need a judge so email me if you would like to be one. Thanks!

June 25, 2011

Snapshot Saturday-Pets

Snapshot Saturday will occurs every Saturday. Every week there will be a new judge, theme, and link-up. This weeks theme is:


This weeks judge is... me!


1. You may only enter one photo per week. You must have taken the photo yourself.
2. You must include include the button(above) in your post(or in a comment if your are using Flickr to link-up) or add the link to the current Snapshot Saturday.
3. You may either post or use Flickr to link-up.
4. You must link-up by Wednesday night.
5. No inappropriate pictures, all must be rated G or PG.
6. I have the right to disqualify and/or delete any photo out the link-up that does not follow the rules.

If you have any questions or would like to be judge for one of our contests please e-mail me at emmie0952-blog@yahoo.com Thanks for linking up!

June 23, 2011

A Day on Vacation(Saturday)!

I woke up at about 8:45am and was immediately asked by my brother if I would watch Megann and him while they swam. I took Tucker out with me and watched them swim for about 15 min. Then I decided that I would swim too. I took Tucker inside and put him in his kennel(I would have let him swim but he just stands and barks at the water). After I got changed I jumped into the pool(which was freezing cold) and swam till breakfast at ten. After breakfast I took Tucker on a walk and then went shopping with my mom and sister. We got home about 12:30pm and then went to my cousin's graduation party. We stayed at my cousin's house till about eight(Although the party ended at five) when we(my mom, sister, aunt, cousin, and I) went to the mall while my brother and dad went to Dick's. At the mall I got my eats pierced(pictures later)! After that we went shopping and I got a really cute bathing suit cover-up at H&M's for $7(It is supposed to be a dress but I thought it would make a cute cover-up).
(It looks like this except it is grey)

We also went to an earring store and I got my birthday present(early) from my aunt:
By the time we were done with that it was 9:00pm already so we left the mall and went out for icecream. This is what I got:

Then, full of icecream, we went home where my aunt and cousin met Tucker for the first time. They left shortly after that and we fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.  

PS. I wrote this post Monday when we got home but haven't had a chance to post it. Sorry.

PPS. I will be judging SnapShot Saturday every other week because it is hard to find judges every single week. :) 

June 12, 2011

A Quick Update

Hey! This not a scheduled post and I wanted to let you know that I should be able to post at least one more time! There wont be any new pictures but I hope to tell you more about my trip hopefully tomorrow. :)

June 11, 2011

Pictures of Bible

So, I am hopefully by now enjoying vacation! Anyway, as I promised I have scheduled some posts and this is the first one.


About a week ago I took some pictures of my Bible for a photography contest. Here they are:


Heart and Bible 2

Heart and Bible

Hobby Photo Challenge

This is the one I entered in the challenge. :) Which is your favorite?

June 9, 2011

Snapshot Saturday- Smiles Winners!

This week we had two entries! This weeks winner was...

Hope from Live Your Life! I love this photo!

In second place was...
Rachel from Rachel Photography! That baby is adorable!

Congrats winners you can grab a winners button. :)

Ps. I judged since our judge for this week didn't respond.

June 4, 2011

Recent Photos+ Plus Some News


Entering in:
live your life


School Bus


Fire Hydrant


I am going away on vacation soon and will be scheduling posts so this blog won't be empty. I will not be hosting Snapahot Saturday though the 11 and 18. I hope to be back soon with lots of pictures!

Snapshot Saturday- Smiles + Winner

June 11 & 18 there will be no Snapshot Saturday due to traveling reasons.

Snapshot Saturday will occur once every Saturday. Every week there will be a new judge, theme, and link-up. Since this is the first week of Snapshot Saturday I will be the judge. This weeks theme is:


This weeks judge is... Jessica from Image-ine Photography!


1. You may only enter one photo per week. You must have taken the photo yourself.
2. You must include include the button(above) in your post(or in a comment if your are using Flickr to link-up) or add the link to the current Snapshot Saturday.
3. You may either post or use Flickr to link-up.
4. You must link-up by Wenesday night.
5. No inappropriate pictures, all must be rated G or PG.
6. I have the right to disqualify and/or delete any photo out the link-up that does not follow the rules.

If you have any questions or would like to be judge for one of our contests please e-mail me at emmie0952-blog@yahoo.com Thanks for linking up!

Last Weeks Winner

Since we only had one entry this week Rachel from Rachel Photography is the winner! Feel free to grab a winners button by clicking on Snapshot Photography under the header. Congrats!

June 3, 2011


Yesterday I got to take some pictures of Rebecca! It was really fun!

Rebecca 5

Rebecca 3

Rebecca 4

Rebecca 2


Which picture is your favorite?