April 20, 2012

the changes

about an hour ago i posted about how my blog was going to be closed for some changes. well, now those changes have been made and i am writing a post about them. these changes have been long in the coming. and no, i am not going to stop blogging. just change my blog's focus. here is what i wrote last night in my notebook:

see, after i posted this post i thought it would be easy to post about my Christian walk with God and how he was working in my life. but then i read this(pg.8-19 March/April 2012) and realized that what i was going to post should of been between me and God. not on my blog. so, i gave up. but now i am ready to try again. i don't want my blog to be "all about me" i want it to be all about Christ. so i have changed the name, design, and focus and now will be using my blog in a different way(not to promote me but to promote Christ).

1 comment:

  1. Good for you girl!
    This is what I need to do with my blog, make the focus be completely on Him!
    This was a encouragement to me :)


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